Welcome, Swines!
Public school greetings and a flick of a wet gym towel to new visitors to this page if you've been directed from the Crap Public Schools Association or anything else Swine-related. Scroll down and soak up the rich cartoony aromas.
To the rest of you hoi polloi, behold the first instalment of a strip based around the antics of the boys and teachers at Swinesend: Britain's Greatest Public School. If you're not familiar with it already, then QUICK! make haste to the link on the right and purchase a copy of the luxurious tome (illustrated by yours truly) forthwith. Failure to do so will spell detention and possibly one on one time with Mr Gropeworthy after school.
Bravo, yet more excellent illustrations of Swinesend - somehow it is just as I imagined (or is it remember?) it.
It's all a bit close for comfort, especially the history lesson - I can't wait for the next installment.
Nice work, Dan. But remember kids: you don't need drugs at Swinesend, reality's too twisted.
Thought you'd like to know that you've had several hundred people drift in to see your cartoon at the Crap Public Schools Association. Good work...
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