"Whassis? Two posts in the same day?!" I hear you cry. Yes indeedy. Like a shuffling octogenarian bewilderedly traversing the streamed traffic of the internet superhighway, I've chanced upon quite possible the best site in the world EVER - aside from my very own archburger.com, naturally - and feel the world would be a better place for sharing it.
Tis THE HYPE MACHINE and is a ridiculously amazing gizmo for checking out new bands on t'internet. Just whack the band's name into it and it'll pull out all the mp3 and video content on them that's out there. Gratis. Rejoice!
As a taster, check this here vid out from the magnificent Wagon Christ.
And here be some more pics o' mine for you too. Aren't i kind.
Oooh and lest I forget, a new strip of mine has been posted up at Slow London's site. It's in its very own Slow Toons section here.
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