14 Apr 2008

Bird Brained

Last week saw a CCS contigent visit the Vermont Institute of Natural Science to gawk at some birds whilst they flapped, vomited and shat their way through our visit. Voila my sketches from the 15 or so minutes we had with each of our winged subjects. Bear in mind most of our avian amigos were more skittish than a speed freak being electroshocked. We did learn that Owls are mostly just feathers, that even vultures will turn their noses up at especially putrid meat (plus they can live well into their thirties) and that birds exposed to too much human contact can actually convince themselves that they are human. Called 'imprinting' apparently. So now you know.

In other news, the Olympic torch blazed a symbolic trail for freedom and democracy in London, Paris and San Francisco...by being driven through protesting crowds in a riot van accompanied by hordes of armed police officers. Kudos to the chap in London who missed it by a few inches with his fire extinguisher. And free tibet!!

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