34. Iraq - The Comic A tentative first stab at a politicomic strip. The story will unfold so bear with me. Any comments or suggestions always welcome.
12 Dec 2006
33. On-site Graphic Journalism Sketched live and direct at a demo in Trafalgar Square back in November. The victimised group having their booze confiscated were a friendly troupe of euro-hobos. Who all wanted their portrait done.
32. The Eye of the Beholder (Part II) The nail-biting finale reaches its conclusion
7 Dec 2006
31. The Eye of the Beholder - Part One Where the time-honoured phrase really comes from. You heard it here first.
6 Dec 2006
30.A Prestigious Sketch A photo of Gawdy B today revealed an eerie similarity to his boss, which in light of seeing The Prestige, brought about this little sketch.
1 Dec 2006
29. From Russia With Hate The Cold War gets kick started over some cold fish in a downtown sushi bar.