27. Rummy Gets the Boot Even a dishonourable discharge isn't enough to keep the Republic mid-term balloon afloat.
9 Nov 2006
26. The End of Beautiful Partnership Some saw the coupling as nothing more than an exploitative ploy based on the shady accrual of riches that has only pained those involved. But Rummy seems ok at being kicked out of his iraqi sandbox.
8 Nov 2006
24. Cleanliness is next to godliness.
2 journos at the Daily Flail discuss the latest dirty bomber conviction.
6 Nov 2006
24. Pre-Mid-Term Meltdown Stateside Now with added closet homosexual republican minor-corrupting/meth-smoking scandals!
3 Nov 2006
23. A Shot in the Dark Cameron is told to back down by the House of Commons speaker as the Stockwell shooting squad claim another victim.
2 Nov 2006
22. The Reid Goes Fundi-MENTAL
1 Nov 2006
21. Blairface pt. III - With a guest appearance from Messrs Blunkett and Reid.