34. Iraq - The Comic A tentative first stab at a politicomic strip. The story will unfold so bear with me. Any comments or suggestions always welcome.
12 Dec 2006
33. On-site Graphic Journalism Sketched live and direct at a demo in Trafalgar Square back in November. The victimised group having their booze confiscated were a friendly troupe of euro-hobos. Who all wanted their portrait done.
32. The Eye of the Beholder (Part II) The nail-biting finale reaches its conclusion
7 Dec 2006
31. The Eye of the Beholder - Part One Where the time-honoured phrase really comes from. You heard it here first.
6 Dec 2006
30.A Prestigious Sketch A photo of Gawdy B today revealed an eerie similarity to his boss, which in light of seeing The Prestige, brought about this little sketch.
1 Dec 2006
29. From Russia With Hate The Cold War gets kick started over some cold fish in a downtown sushi bar.
14 Nov 2006
28. At the Mid-Term Shooting Alley
10 Nov 2006
27. Rummy Gets the Boot Even a dishonourable discharge isn't enough to keep the Republic mid-term balloon afloat.
9 Nov 2006
26. The End of Beautiful Partnership Some saw the coupling as nothing more than an exploitative ploy based on the shady accrual of riches that has only pained those involved. But Rummy seems ok at being kicked out of his iraqi sandbox.
8 Nov 2006
24. Cleanliness is next to godliness.
2 journos at the Daily Flail discuss the latest dirty bomber conviction.
6 Nov 2006
24. Pre-Mid-Term Meltdown Stateside Now with added closet homosexual republican minor-corrupting/meth-smoking scandals!
3 Nov 2006
23. A Shot in the Dark Cameron is told to back down by the House of Commons speaker as the Stockwell shooting squad claim another victim.
2 Nov 2006
22. The Reid Goes Fundi-MENTAL
1 Nov 2006
21. Blairface pt. III - With a guest appearance from Messrs Blunkett and Reid.
31 Oct 2006
20. Blairface Pt II Tony Blairtana meets Lord Levy to discuss -ahem- party donations for peerages.
30 Oct 2006
19. Blairface - Pt.1 The first instalment chronicling Tony Blairtana's struggle to drum up cash for his party.
18. 'Nam Revisited To go with Bush's recent admission that Iraq is proving to be the new Vietnam, debacle-wise. Click here to read more
The Israeli President sails through the storm of controversy surrounding alleged rape claims by former members of his staff by playing the presidential immunity card.
19 Oct 2006
16. General Dannatt Puts His Head Over the Parapet
12. Labouring the Conference A little bit of a late entry this one, mainly because I've been tinkering with the launch of Archburger Illustration,Which you should all check out immediately.
Do it.
28 Sept 2006
11. Sitting In the Dock of the Bay
With that tricksy anti-terror legislation trial now pushed through, Dubya and Rummy can haul all those pesky detained Gitmo terror suspects before a court. Though the pair of them have had to abandon some of their shadier 'interrogation techniques'. Party poopers. Read all about it here
22 Sept 2006
10. The Full Monty
Ex-Peruvian Intelligence Chief Vladimiro Montesinos gets 20 years for an assortment of crimes, amongst them selling 10,000 assault rifles to FARC troops, the Colombian left-wing paramilitary organisation.
Red faces all round in the Vatican as Papa Razzi quotes from a 14th Century Emperor who turns out wasn't Muhammad's biggest fan.
7. Don't Wanna Be...All By Myself
Messrs Dubya n Tone fail to convince most of NATO that more troops are needed for anti-terror hijinks.
14 Sept 2006
6. The Embargo Farrago The first sniff of oil off the north coast of Cuba and suddenly America's ears prick up. Hmmm.
12 Sept 2006
5. War Porn 5 years on from 9/11 and still the media can't get enough of that ubiquitous twin tower footage - why we're all slowly become war porn addicts.
4.The Jolly Gordon A photo of the smirking Chancellor from last week and a clandestine meeting at a baby shower (plus his suspect silence over Tony's predicament) leaves a lot of fingers pointing at Cap'n Brown's plot to force his PM to walk the plank.
3. The Battle of 10 Downing St. Resignations, plots, factional squabbling - and we thought the Middle East was where the action is.
2. Crisis? What crisis?
Calls for Tony to sling his hook echo around Westminister. Tone stoically ploughs on regardless.
Welcome to the prestigious launch of this here blog, soon to be providing a daily serving of doodled political commentary right to your electronic doorstep.
Numero Uno:
Blair's desk, in light of all the fanmail he's been getting of late.